1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1529


1529. The specific responsibilities of the Division of Ordained Ministry shall be:

1. To study ministerial needs and resources in The United Methodist Church and to cooperate with appropriate groups in the interpretation of ministry as a vocation, in an effort to enlist suitable persons for ordained ministry.

2. To prescribe the course of study for ordained ministry, which shall include studies required for license as local pastor and the basic five-year course of study. It also shall provide advanced course of study for preachers who have finished the above courses and meet the requirements of 424.3. All work in the ministerial course of study for candidates for elder in full connection (422-425), renewal of licenses (405), associate member (420), probationary member (415), and local pastors qualifying for appointment (406-409), shall be taken under the direction of the Division of Ordained Ministry in an approved course of study school. The division shall cooperate with the boards of ordained ministry and other conference boards in organizing, financing, and conducting course of study schools. (For exceptional provisions for taking the course of study for ordained ministry by correspondence, see 408.1.)

3. To cooperate with the boards of ordained ministry in annual conferences by (a) providing guidance in counseling and examination of ministerial students, and (b) assisting in interpretation of current legislation concerning ordained ministry.

4. To provide resources to the district committee on superintendency and to the annual conference cabinet in the fulfillment of their work.

5. To provide jointly with the General Council on Ministries and the Council of Bishops the training of district superintendents.

6. To lead in the churchwide interpretation and promotion of the Ministerial Education Fund.

7. To recommend and help organize, finance, and conduct continuing education and spiritual growth opportunities for all ordained ministers subsequent to ordination and to advise means of in-service training and evaluation, with special care being given that programs are available and relevant for all multiracial/multicultural groups within the denomination.

8. To maintain the educational standards of the ordained ministry of The United Methodist Church and to study problems relating to ministerial status, morale, and support, and to cooperate with the boards of ordained ministry in (a) studying problems relating to clergy morale, clergy housing and itineracy and clergy families, and (b) developing resources and programs for clergy and clergy families.

9. To study and support coordination and mutual ministry including possibilities for merger of schools.

10. To certify the course offerings in non-United Methodist seminaries for meeting the requirements in United Methodist history, doctrine, and polity specified in 424.3 and provide boards of ordained ministry with a list of the courses approved. The division will also monitor the implementation of 1531.

11. To provide for recruiting and preparation of persons for ordained ministry among ethnic groups, including Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and those of other national and ethnic origin. Provision for special resources in pretheological and theological education shall be undertaken as training for these distinctive ethnic ministries. Provision for evaluating the credentials and training of such persons shall be undertaken in cooperation with bishops and annual conference boards of ordained ministry.

12. The division shall develop policies and guidelines for annual conference boards of ordained ministry that will recognize and empower Native American pastoral leadership which emerges from and is affirmed by a Native American community.

13. To participate in the Crusade Scholarship program.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1529
1996 United Methodist General Conference