1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1603


1603. 1. Officers--The board shall elect at its annual meeting next following the General Conference a president, a vice-president, and a recording secretary, all of whom shall be members of the board, and shall also elect a general secretary and a treasurer, all for four-year terms. The officers so elected shall serve during the terms for which they were elected and until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. The officers of the board shall also be elected by, and serve as the officers of, each of the constituent corporations of the board. A vacancy in any of these offices may be filled by the board for the remainder of the unexpired term. Other offices that are deemed desirable and to the best interest of the board for carrying out its purposes may be created by the board, and persons may be elected or appointed to fill such offices.

2. Board Committees--The Board shall establish the following committees: a) Executive Committee--An executive committee shall be elected by the board. The same committee shall also respectively be elected by, and serve as the executive committee of, each of the constituent corporations unless required by applicable laws of the respective states of incorporation, in which case the board shall recognize such laws, and the board and the corporations shall have the power to comply therewith.

b) Committee on Pension Benefits--The Committee on Pension Benefits, which shall consist of one-half of the members of the board, including one bishop, in approximately the same proportion between clergy and lay as reflected by the membership at large and with at least two members from each of the five jurisdictions, shall have the responsibility to oversee and direct the operation of the several pension benefit funds, plans, and programs administered by the board, to present its recommendations for revisions of the provisions and rules and regulations of said pension benefit funds, plans, and programs, for consideration and action by the board, under the authority granted to the board by the General Conference. Such committee may then organize itself into subcommittees including, but not limited to, subcommittees on rules and regulations and actuarial. A member of the Committee on Health Benefits shall be ineligible to serve on the Committee on Pension Benefits.

c) Committee on Health Benefits--The Committee on Health Benefits, which shall consist of one-half of the members of the board, including one bishop, in approximately the same proportion between clergy and lay as reflected by the membership at large and with at least two members from each of the five jurisdictions, shall have the responsibility to oversee and direct the operation of the several welfare benefit funds, plans, and programs administered by the board, to present its recommendations for revisions of the provisions and rules and regulations of said welfare benefit funds, plans, and programs, for consideration and action by the board, under the authority granted to the board by the General Conference. Such committee may then organize itself into subcommittees, including but not limited to subcommittees on health care, death benefits, and disability benefits. A member of the Committee on Pension Benefits shall be ineligible to serve on the Committee on Health Benefits.

d) Other Committees--The board shall have the authority to establish from time to time such other standing committees or special committees as provided by its bylaws.

e) Committee Membership--The board shall elect the membership of its standing committees in accordance with its bylaws. The membership of any special committees shall be elected in accordance with the resolution establishing such special committee.

f) Committee Members-at-Large--The board shall have the authority to elect additional members to the Committee on Pension Benefits, the Committee on Health Benefits, and other Committees created by the board, not to exceed four to each such committee, for the purpose of bringing to those committees special knowledge or background. These committee members-at-large shall have full voice and vote on the committee, but shall not have such privileges on the board.

g) The effective date of this paragraph will be at the close of the 1992 General Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1603
1996 United Methodist General Conference