1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1701


Section X. General Board of Publication

1701. Publishing Interests--The General Board of Publication comprises the publishing interests of The United Methodist Church and shall hereafter be designated as The United Methodist Publishing House. It shall have responsibility for and supervision of the publishing and distribution for The United Methodist Church. The United Methodist Publishing House shall through agencies or instrumentalities it deems necessary achieve the objectives set forth in 1713. The United Methodist Publishing House shall provide publishing and distribution services for other agencies of The United Methodist Church and shall share with other agencies of The United Methodist Church in the total program of The United Methodist Church, as well as share in the total ecumenical program in the area of publishing for the advancement of the cause of Christ and his Kingdom as The United Methodist Publishing House shall determine to be appropriate.


General Conference Index | PETS Index | 1992 Book of Discipline Index

General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1701
1996 United Methodist General Conference