1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1803


1803. Purpose--1. The purpose of the commission shall be to promote and care for the historical interests of The United Methodist Church at every level. It shall gather, preserve, hold title to, and disseminate materials on the history of The United Methodist Church and its antecedents. It shall cooperate with other bodies, especially the Historical Society of the United Methodist Church, the World Methodist Historical Society, and the World Methodist Council in areas of mutual concern. It shall maintain archives and libraries in which shall be preserved historical records and materials of every kind relating to The United Methodist Church and see that such holdings are available for responsible public and scholarly use. It shall provide guidance for the proper creation, maintenance, and disposition of documentary record material at all levels of The United Methodist Church (see 1811.1b). It shall provide support, direction, and encouragement for the work of annual conference and jurisdictional historical agencies and organizations. It shall develop policies and resources for the designated historic sites, historic shrines, and historic landmarks of The United Methodist Church. It shall provide general supervision for the observance of Heritage Sunday (see 276.1). It shall engage with other Wesleyan, Methodist, or Evangelical United Brethren-related denominations in lifting up our joint heritage.

2. The commission shall be accountable to the General Council on Ministries for all programmatic assignments.

3. The commission shall have responsibility for and supervision of its archives and historical libraries and other depositories of similar character, if any, established by The United Methodist Church.

4. The commission shall promote collection and dissemination of information and materials concerning the historic witness made individually and collectively by women, racial and ethnic peoples, and other constituencies not covered extensively in traditional historical documentation in the worldwide life of The United Methodist Church and its antecedents.

5. Once each quadrennium, the commission may hold a historical convocation, to which may be invited members of jurisdictional and annual conference historical agencies and organizations; appropriate faculty and students in institutions of higher education related to The United Methodist Church; members of the Historical Society of The United Methodist Church; members of other Wesleyan, Methodist, and Evangelical United Brethren-related historical organizations; and such other persons, groups, or organizations as may be interested.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1803
1996 United Methodist General Conference