1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1907


1907. Organization--1. Membership--The affairs of the General Commission on Communication shall be governed by a commission composed of: three bishops selected by the Council of Bishops, four persons (it is recommended that there be two men and two women including at least one clergy, one laywoman, and one layman) elected by each Jurisdictional Conference, fifteen additional members elected by the commission to ensure membership of persons with expertise in the field of communication, and two members of the General Council on Ministries, selected by the council. It is recommended that each of the following groups be represented in the commission: Asian Americans, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, clergywomen, youth, young adults, and persons over sixty-five. The additional members shall be nominated by a committee composed of one commission member designated from each jurisdiction and one of the member bishops. Members from the General Council on Ministries shall be assigned to the Division of Program and Benevolence Interpretation.

2. Meetings--The commission shall hold at least one meeting in each calendar year. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum.

3. Officers--The commission shall elect a president, at least one vice-president, a recording secretary, and such other officers as it determines.

There may be an executive committee comprised of not more than one-third of the total membership of the commission and elected by the commission. The membership of the executive committee shall be representative of the composition of the commission.

4. Internal Organization--The General Commission on Communication is empowered to create internal structures as it deems appropriate for effective operation.

5. Staff--The commission shall elect annually a general secretary upon nomination by the executive committee or a nominating committee and shall elect such associate general secretaries as needed and shall provide for election or appointment of other staff. The general secretary shall cooperate with the General Council on Ministries for program services and with the general secretary of the General Council on Finance and Administration for financial services.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1907
1996 United Methodist General Conference