1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 2401


Section XVII. Interdenominational Agencies

2401. World Methodist Council--1. The United Methodist Church is a member of the World Methodist Council, its predecessor Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren Churches having been charter members of such body. The council is a significant channel for United Methodist relationships with other Methodist Churches and with autonomous Methodist Churches, affiliated autonomous Methodist Churches, and affiliated United Churches formerly part of The United Methodist Church or its predecessor denominations, and with other churches with a Wesleyan heritage. The members of the section representing The United Methodist Church shall be nominated by the Council of Bishops, due regard being given to inclusiveness (in the spirit of 805) and geographical representation. United Methodist financial support of the World Methodist Council shall be remitted through the General Council on Finance and Administration and shall be in the manner directed by the latter council.

2. Each affiliated autonomous Methodist Church and each Affiliated United Church which is a member of the World Methodist Council may choose to send delegates either to the General Conference as proposed in 648.3 and 651, or to the World Methodist Council (receiving from the General Administration Fund the expense of travel and per diem allowances thereto). But no such Church shall be entitled to send delegations at the expense of the General Administration Fund to both the World Methodist Council and the General Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 2401
1996 United Methodist General Conference