Petition: 20105-XX-2549-D

1996 United Methodist General Conference


Petition Title: Petition Determined to be Invalid by the Committee on Reference

Submitted by:
(list of acronyms)

Petition Text Information: Petition Text
(Advance Daily Christian Advocate, p. 967)

References: ¶ 2549 of the Book of Discipline

Committee Assignment: **VOIDED PETITIONS**

Calendar Item Status: The petition has not been assigned to a Calendar Item

Financial Implications: There are no direct financial implications associated with this Petition

PETS System Status

Date of Entry: 08/26/95

Last Modification: 04/16/96, 15:30:45


General Conference Index | PETS Index | Petition Information Index | Abbreviations Legend

General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition: 20105-XX-2549-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference