Petition Text: 20049-DI-282-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 282:

1. a) Made application in writing to the appropriate committee district Committee on Ordained Ministry and has been recommended by the pastor and the Pastor/Staff- Parish Relations Committee of the local church where the person holds membership and by vote of the Administrative Board/Council and/or the Charge/Church Conference wherein the person holds church membership.

b) Completed both the basic and advanced Lay Speaking training courses to be designed by the General Board of Discipleship or alternate courses to be designed by the Annual Conference Board of Discipleship in consultation and cooperation with the Cabinet. and/or any other educational courses recommended by their district Committee on Ordained Ministry. This is to include...

f) [Delete.]

2. The lay preacher shall continue to serve and worship in the local church where membership resides until and unless he/she is appointed assigned to a church or charge...

a) The lay preacher is to be relicensed The lay preacher's license is to be reviewed for renewal annually by the district Committee on Ordained Ministry. The lay preacher may be utilized in charges or churches which are "left to be supplied" when it is impractical to serve such congregations with part- time local pastors or ordained clergy, or as part of an extended or shared ministry model (¶206.3f) where it is practical and desirable to do so, at the discretion of the District Superintendent.

b) ...under whom the local church relates to the connection. The pastor- in- charge shall have responsibility for the administration of the sacraments (¶439.1b).

c) The lay preacher shall preach the Word, provide a care ministry to the congregation, and be a witness in the community for the growth and missional thrust of The United Methodist Church. This assumes an in-residence ministry and assumes that the lay preacher is a person whose integrity and witness as a Christian and as a United Methodist are established. This ministry...

d) The lay preacher is to serve without with salary per se, but and is to be reimbursed for his/her job-related expenses, but there are to be no professionally related...

3. [Delete existing text.] Lay preachers will be assigned by the district superintendent after due consultation with the leadership of the local church and the pastor- in- charge. It is recommended that this assignment be affirmed and celebrated in both the lay preacher's home church and the receiving church.

4. [Delete.]

54. This category...


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20049-DI-282-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference