3.a) There shall be a Committee on Investigation consisting of seven (7)
elders in full connection and five (5) alternates, and two (2) lay members
of the Annual Conference and one (1) alternate, nominated by the presiding
bishop...The Committee on Investigation shall elect a chair from among the
seven (7) elders in full connection, and organize at the Annual Conference.
None of the members or alternates shall be members of the Joint Review
Committee or the Board of Ordained Ministry, the Cabinet, or immediate family
members of the above. Further, none of the lay members shall be members of a
pastoral charge to which a clergy member or local pastor against whom charges
have been brought is appointed, or members of a pastoral charge where the
orders of a clergy member on honorable or administrative location are located
against whom charges have been brought. Should a member of the
Committee...and his/her place shall be taken by an alternate member. Nine
(9) Seven (7) members or alternates seated as members of
the Committee shall constitute a quorum, provided that seven (7) are full
members and two (2) are lay members, and a vote to adopt any charge or
specification shall require seven (7) five (5) votes.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 20075-GJ-2625.3-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference