Petition Text: 20178-GJ-1007-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 1007:

1.a) The membership of the council coordinating committee shall consist of: the president and general secretary of each general agency and one bishop appointed by the Council of Bishops, who shall serve as the chair.

(1)-(8) [Delete.]

b)-h) [Delete.]

2. Meetings.----Before the end of the calendar year in which regular sessions of the Jurisdictional Conferences are held, all persons who have been elected to membership on the council, including additional members nominated, shall be convened by an active bishop designated by the president of the Council of Bishops for the purpose of organizing.

The council coordinating committee shall meet at least once...

3. Officers.----The council coordinating committee shall have a president, one or more vice-presidents, chair appointed by the Council of Bishops, and a vice chair and a recording secretary, and a treasurer elected from the membership of the council coordinating committee. The president of the council shall be its presiding officer. Officers shall be elected for terms of four years and shall continue until their successors are duly elected.

4. Internal Structure.----The council coordinating committee shall determine...

5. [Second sentence] It shall be organized under the authority and direction of the General Council on Ministries General Board of Global Ministries. It shall consist of twenty members of the General Council on Ministries General Board of Global Ministries.

a) Director of Advance.----(1) There shall be a Director of the Advance, nominated by the Advance Committee from the staff of one of the participating agencies and elected by the General Council on Ministries General Board of Global Ministries. The participating agencies are National and World Divisions and United Methodist Committee on Relief and Mission Education and Cultivation Departments of the General Board of Global Ministries; Division of Program and Benevolence Interpretation of the General Commission on Communication; General Council on Ministries; and the General Council on Finance and Administration.

(2) [Second sentence] Other administrative costs of the Advance shall be borne by the General Council on Ministries General Board of Global Ministries.

(3) [Delete.]

d) [Delete.]

6.a) There shall be a World Service Special Gifts Committee within the council coordinating committee to give administrative oversight... and assuring program accountability to the council coordinating committee by the administrating agencies. The council coordinating committee shall make provisions...

b) In the World Service Special gifts program, it shall be the responsibility of the General Council on Ministries Coordinating Committee of the General Agencies to determine which projects...

(1) ...for approval by the council General Council on Finance and Administration, provided...

(2) The participating agencies shall report annually to the council Coordinating Committee on the...

(3) No World Service Special gift project within the boundaries of an Annual Conference shall be approved by the council without...

7. Staff.---The council coordinating committee shall elect annually a general secretary and associate general secretaries as needed. The elected staff shall sit with the council with voice but without vote shall be served by staff of the General Boards as needed.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20178-GJ-1007-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference