Petition Text: 20194-CO-752-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 752:

Each district of an Annual Conference may organize a district Council on Ministries.

1. Purpose.----The purpose of the district Council on Ministries shall be to assist local churches...and to help the Annual Conference Council on Ministries in the performance of its functions.

2. Membership.----Each Annual Conference may determine the membership and the method of election of its district Council on Ministries...It is recommended that a member of the Annual Conference Council on Ministries staff be included as a resource person in each district Council on Ministries...The Annual Conference may ask the District Conferences (¶ 749) to elect the membership of the district Council on Ministries.

3. Officers.----The officers of the district Council on Ministries shall be the chairperson...The district superintendent shall have executive oversight responsibility for the work of the district Council on Ministries.

4. Responsibilities.----The responsibilities of the district Council on Ministries may be determined by the Annual Conference or the district Council on Ministries....

i) To relate the Annual Conference Council on Ministries agencies and its staff to local church needs.

j) To make program and other recommendations to the Annual Conference agencies Council on Ministries.

n) To elect the lay representative(s) from the district to membership on the Annual Conference agencies Council on Ministries when requested by the Annual Conference agencies Council on Ministries.

o) The district superintendent, after consultation with the chairperson of the conference Board of Global Ministries or its equivalent and the conference secretary of global ministries, may appoint a district secretary of global ministries who shall serve on the district Council on Ministries and chair the district....

q) [2nd paragraph] The district Councils on Ministries in an Annual Conference shall cooperate with the Annual Conference Council on Ministries so that a harmonious...the Annual Conference Council on Ministries agencies may require the district councils to submit their program plans for approval.

The district Council on Ministries may appoint a district coordinator...The district Council on Ministries may create....

5. Finances.----Each Annual Conference shall determine the method by which its district Councils on Ministries shall be financed. It is recommended that an amount for the general operating expense of the district Councils on Ministries be included in the Annual Conference budget. As a general rule, major program expenditures for any district should be made through the budget of the Annual Conference Council on Ministries or the appropriate Annual Conference program board agency


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20194-CO-752-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference