Petition Text: 20213-GJ-2622-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Insert a new sub-paragraph after ¶ 2622.3:

The role of an advocate or counsel for either party (grievant or respondent) shall be to help resolve allegations of misconduct or unsatisfactory performance. Ways in which this may be done include but are not limited to listening carefully, examining relevant documents, participating in supervisory conversations to which the respondent and/or grievant are invited when any of the actions in ¶¶ 448, 451, 452.3, 453.4-5, 454, 457-459, 704.4 or 2623-2627 is under discussion, offering advice, enlisting others to provide emotional support, cautioning against undue pressure, raising questions to clarify facts or process, helping the persons involved to understand church law and their rights, and encouraging adherence to church law on the part of all who are involved with any administrative or judicial process which may result in a change in conference relation for the respondent.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20213-GJ-2622-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference