Whereas, the Council of Bishops Report: Task Force on the Study of Wisdom emphasizes our doctrinal/theological heritage expressed in The Book of Discipline 1992 ("Part II: Doctrinal Standards and Our Theological Task") and states the tension between doctrinal standards and theological exploration is a part of our theological task and heritage; and
Whereas, the bishops of The United Methodist Church are to be commended for their episcopal leadership against sexual misconduct, and in view of the continuing need for the church to address the issues of sexual harassment and abuse arising out of injustice toward women throughout the church and society,
We call upon The United Methodist Church to:
Reaffirm its commitment to the "Ecumenical Decade: Churches in Solidarity with Women." (1988-1998) and its goals (Book of Resolutions, pp. 242-245) including:
1. Support for women doing theology and sharing their spirituality: how we as a church can enable an integrated process of study, sharing, acting, and celebrating;
2. Encourage all levels of the church--general, jurisdictional, annual conference, district, and local church--to participate in the Ecumenical Decade by studying the root causes of sexism, exploring ways to increase participation of women in all aspects of church life, and be open to ways of addressing injustices toward women though the church and society;
3. Improve relationships with women suffering under sexism, racism and casteism and support the World Council of Churches' Women Under Racism Programme;
4. Work for women to participate equally with men in the decisions of the church and the society concerning justice and peace.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 20221-IC-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference