Petition Text: 20225-MN-NonDis-O$

Understanding Petition Numbers


Be it resolved, that the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and the Divisions of Ordained Ministry and Diaconal Ministry be directed to establish a subgroup consisting of at least one half lay persons, with the purpose of helping prepare the clergy to be faithful and effective ministers in the next century. The commission shall examine the role and condition of the ordained ministry in relation to the church's mission, creed, tradition, and Discipline; to ask the people of the church to evaluate the role of the ordained ministry, to listen and record their response; to call upon secular disciplines, as necessary and appropriate, to provide advice on issues under examination; and to report back to the General Conference in the year 2000 with the results of the examination and to make recommendations for changes in the Discipline, and in the policies and practices of the church.

The commission's examination shall include study of: the calling, training and ordination of clergy; the appointment process; the tradition of itinerancy; ministerial functions (e.g., preaching, leading worship, counseling, personnel management, administration); the role of district superintendents; discipline of clergy; and the compensation and support of clergy. The commission shall be comprised of an equal number of lay persons and clergy. Each jurisdictional conference shall appoint one clergy and one lay person. Commission members shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for travel and living expenses from General Conference funds. The General Conference shall provide for staff support and facilities. The Commission shall be responsible for its internal organization, consistent with the principles of the Discipline. The General Secretary shall be responsible for convening the first meeting of the commission by the end of 1996.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20225-MN-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference