Petition Text: 20239-GM-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, colleague churches of Methodist heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean now have extraordinary new opportunities for mission and ministry, with many experiencing marked numerical growth and renewed vitality in witnessing to God's redemptive work through Jesus Christ, our Lord; and

Whereas, many of these same churches are struggling with severe financial problems rooted in the massive poverty that besets the majority of peoples in this region of the world; and

Whereas, Methodist churches of the Caribbean and Latin America have made costly decisions in their history for self-determination, seeking to be more faithfully incarnate within the diversity of nations within this region; and

Whereas, the churches represented by the Council of Evangelical Methodist Churches in Latin America and the Caribbean (CIEMAL) and the Methodist Church of the Caribbean and the Americas (MCCA) urgently need sisters and brothers who will share with them in supporting new church development, evangelistic initiatives, and programs that nurture justice ministries and respect for all persons; and

Whereas, many of these colleague churches are being led to make costly new commitments in order to strengthen their solidarity and faithful ministry with children, women and youth;

Therefore, be it resolved, that we will encourage and invite support for the General Board of Global Ministries Permanent Fund entitled, "Encounter with Christ in Latin America and the Caribbean" (No. 025100), a designated giving channel that provides a special means for current and deferred giving in order to strengthen our shared ministries with the Methodist churches of Latin America and the Caribbean.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20239-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference