Petition Text: 20268-DI-68-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add new text at the end of the fourth paragraph of ¶68, "The Present Challenge to Theology in the Church":

We regard loyalty to Christ as the binding chord of love in the church, but we have historically refused to follow the example of churches that gather around a common confession. We do not disregard the historic creeds and confessions, but we have always regarded faith in Christ as more than public creedal affirmation. We have never had a teaching office (magisterium) in Methodist tradition to define what United Methodists must believe. Heresy trials have been few and far between. The Articles of Religion have been regarded as theological loci for constructive interpretation rather than final statements of theological truth. Nor do we regard loyalty to Wesleyan-Methodist tradition as a need to repristinate (that is, restore in a pure form) the theology of Wesley. We trust to open discussion between opposing theological parties within the guidelines of scripture, tradition, reason, and experience to guide us in reaching theological consensus and setting our course in mission. In this way we have been able to withstand the tensions of theological disagreement without the need for tighter confessional control or the heresy hunts that often result.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20268-DI-68-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference