Whereas, many deacons serving local churches as the sole pastor already do in that local context what elders are authorized to do generally: serve communion and oversee the ordering of the congregation. Without a functional distinction between deacon and elder, the theological distinction seems superfluous. This is another argument for elimination of deacon's orders from the present two-stage ordination process. We would argue that the expansion of deacon's orders to certain lay professionals should not cancel the existing deacon's orders of some of our clergy.
Whereas, the movement to establish a separate permanent diaconate has merit as a representative ministry and such ministries already exist in other denominations;
Therefore, be it resolved, that the General Conference supports a permanent diaconate.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 20278-MN-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference