Petition Text: 20344-LC-253.1-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 253 and replace it with new text:

1. The Administrative Council or Administrative Board shall provide for the planning and implementing of the mission and ministry of the local church, and for the administration and organization of its temporal life. It shall initiate planning, establish objectives, adopt goals, authorize action, determine policy, receive reports, evaluate the church's ministries, and review the mission and ministry of the church.

2. The Administrative Council or Administrative Board shall be amenable to and function as the administrative agency of the Charge Conference.

3. The Administrative Council or Administrative Board shall:

a. review the membership of the local church,

b. fill vacancies occurring among the lay officers of the church

c. establish the budget on recommendation of the Committee on Finance and ensure adequate provision for the financial needs of the church.

d. recommend to the Charge Conference the salary and other remuneration of the pastor(s) and staff persons after receiving recommendations from the Committee on Pastor-Parish Relations.

4. Membership----The Charge Conference will determine the size of the Administrative Council or Administrative Board. The membership of the Council or Board may consist of as few as eight persons or as large as the Charge Conference deems appropriate. The Council or Board shall include persons who represent the program ministries of the Church as outlined in ¶ 244. The membership shall include but not be limited to the following:

a. the chairperson of the Administrative Council or Administrative Board

b. the Lay Leader

c. the chairperson of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee

d. the chairperson of the Committee on Finance

e. the chairperson of the Board of Trustees

f. the church treasurer

f. a lay member to annual conference

h. the pastor.

5. Meetings----The Administrative Council or Administrative Board shall meet at least annually, or as determined in its policies. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or the pastor.

6. Quorum----The members present and voting at any duly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20344-LC-253.1-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference