Petition Text: 20368-CO-707-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Insert a new sub-paragraph after current ¶707.3 and renumber accordingly:

All meetings scheduled by the Annual Conference and its districts, boards, or committees shall be held in places which are accessible to persons with disabilities. The following are guidelines as to what makes a place accessible:

Architectural Guidelines

a. All meeting rooms to be used are accessible to those in wheelchairs. Examples of things which may make a room accessible:

1) Everything is at ground level with no steps.

2) An elevator is available.

3) A ramp of size and maximum angle of 1/12 that wheelchairs can negotiate is available.

4) Door openings are at least 36 inches wide.

5. Pews or chairs are arranged to include space for wheelchairs.

b. Accessible washrooms.

c. Convenient parking for those with disabilities.

d. Curb cuts if curbs must be negotiated.

e. Adequate hand rails for safety.

f. Adequate lighting.

g. For overnight meetings, accessible lodging for participants.

Communications Guidelines

a. A loud speaker system.

b. Sound equipment for the more profoundly hearing impaired.

c. Signing for the deaf.

d. Large print program materials or tape recordings available.

e. Programs and directions making use of visuals, symbols, images, and sounds for persons who have difficulty communicating via the printed or spoken word.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20368-CO-707-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference