Petition Text: 20369-DI-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


We invite all members of The United Methodist Church to participate in study and reflection on "Our Theological Task" as found in ¶68, section 4 of the 1992 Book of Discipline.

We recognize both the church's need for theological and doctrinal reinvigoration and the need for a wide range of ongoing theological exploration.

In issuing this invitation, we affirm our baptismal covenant to confess faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ. "A convincing witness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can contribute to the renewal of our faith, bring persons to that faith, and strengthen the church as an agent of healing and reconciliation. This witness, however, cannot fully describe or encompass the mystery of God."

Our invitation comes, because "theology is our effort to reflect upon God's gracious act in our lives." In response to the love of Christ and in continued faithfulness to Wesleyan tradition, we "seek to give expression to the mysterious reality of God's presence, peace and power in the world," and to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.

We affirm all those who would explore new ways of preaching Jesus Christ, which sets people free from all forms of evil and equips them for a life of holiness.

We join all who profess the apostolic faith, while recognizing that no final definition can be given to the apostolic faith, other than it confesses Jesus Christ. As the center of our faith and obedience, Jesus Christ cannot be replaced by creed, tradition or even scripture. From the beginning, Christian faith has been expressed in many diverse forms. Indeed, the earliest Christians were led by the Spirit to the necessity of four equal but different gospels. Likewise, expressions of faith in our day do not need to be uniform. The test is whether they preach Jesus Christ, and none other.

"We are confident in the ultimate unfolding of God's justice and mercy." In this spirit we encourage all Untied Methodists to take up our theological task.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20369-DI-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference