2. If the candidate has (a) reached thirty-
fifty years of age (exceptions to the age requirement may be made to
accommodate persons with disabilities); (b) served as an
associate member for a minimum of two years under full-
appointment;....(d) and completed five years Course of Study
for ordained ministry and two years...the University Senate;
and (e) been recommended by a three-
vote of the Cabinet and a three-
vote of the Board of Ordained Ministry, written statements of such
recommendations having been read to the conference before the vote is taken,
setting forth the particular ways the candidate's ministry is exceptional and
the special reasons this person should be received into probationary
membership. the Cabinet, by the district Committee on Ordained
Ministry and by a three-
vote of the Board of Ordained Ministry; (f) declared their willingness
to accept continuing full-time appointment; (g) satisfied the board
regarding their physical, mental and emotional heath (the Annual Conference may
require psychological tests to provide additional information on the
candidate's fitness for the ministry); (h) have been examined according
to the provisions of ¶ 414.8.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 20387-MN-416.2-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference