14. The Charge Conference shall determine annually the amount of its
acceptance of connectional support in response to the amounts apportioned to it
by connectional entities beyond the local church, including World Service and
Conference Benevolences. As soon as practicable...apportioned to it for
World Service and for Conference Benevolences. In preparation for... the
importance of World Service and for Conference Benevolences,...The World
Service Fund is one of the basics in the financial
program...Payment in full of these apportionments by the local churches
is should be made one of the first benevolent
responsibility priorities of the Church (¶912; see also
¶204). The district superintendent...
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 20422-LC-248.14-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference