Petition Text: 20435-CO-726.5-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber current ¶726.5a) to ¶726.4a) and amend as follows:

54.a) Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns.----There shall be organized in each Annual Conferences a Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns. It shall cause the issue of ethnic local churches to be addressed through a structure which it determines to be appropriate. The structure It shall relate to all conference agencies... The committee shall have representation on the Conference Council on Ministries. It shall develop criteria for use in evaluating racial/ethnic projects and programs within the conference and in reporting on its work to the structure performing the function of the Council on Ministries, if that structure is separate from the committee. It is recommended that the committee be comprised of one- third laywomen, one- third laymen, and one- third clergy. It is further recommended that two youth be included and at least one- half of the committee shall be racial/ethnic, where feasible. Consideration shall be given to representation from each district. It shall also include a cabinet representative. The committee's fFindings will be referred to the conference Commission on Religion and Race, if separate from the committee. It will cooperate with the Commission on Religion and Race, if separate from the committee, in its efforts...


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20435-CO-726.5-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference