Petition Text: 20450-FA-746-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶746:

There shall be a Annual Conferences shall provide for the fulfillment of the purposes and duties assigned to the Joint Committee on Disability in each Annual Conference. by ¶¶746.a-e, and elsewhere, by structuring themselves as they deem appropriate. The Annual Conference shall determine the membership of the structure to which the duties and purposes are assigned. The structure may be assigned other duties and responsibilities and may have membership in common with other structures. As used in this paragraph, and elsewhere in the Discipline in appropriate context, references to the "Joint Committee on Disability," or to the "committee," shall be construed and interpreted to refer to the structure provided pursuant to this paragraph, whatever named or titled. It shall be composed of a minimum of two representatives each Since its duties include ministry and service to disabled clergy, representation from the Board of Ordained Ministry and the conference Board of Pensions, is encouraged. who may be elected by those boards at the beginning of each quadrennium and at other times when vacancies occur, and a district superintendent appointed from time to time by the bishop to represent the Cabinet. Unless and until other members are elected, the chairperson and registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry and the chairperson and secretary of the conference Board of Pensions, or others designated by them, shall be authorized to represent their respective boards. The committee shall organize at the beginning of each quadrennium by the election of a chairperson and a secretary. The duties...


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20450-FA-746-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference