Petition Text: 20499-FA-722.12-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new sub-paragraph at the end of ¶ 722:

12.a) An annual conference at any regular session may adopt by 2/3 vote a plan for standardizing and sharing the cost of salary of its active itinerant clergy under appointment.

b) The standard salary plan may allow for differences in years of service, educational levels, number of dependents, travel, or other variables such as actual differences in living costs, as the annual conference may approve.

c) The amounts due from the pastoral charges on apportionment shall be paid to a conference treasury established for that purpose, and all standard salaries due shall be paid from that treasury. The standard salary provided for each minister under the plan shall constitute his/her entire salary.

d) The Conference Council on Finance and Administration shall administer the standard salary plan and the Director of Administrative Services shall be responsible for collecting and disbursing the funds.

e) An annual conference which has elected to pay its salaries according to a standard salary plan as herein provided may terminate the plan by a 2/3 vote of the annual conference at any regular session.

f) If adopted by an annual conference, this plan would replace the authority granted in ¶¶ 248.13, 257.3(f), and 722.4.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20499-FA-722.12-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference