Petition Text: 20524-CS-NonDis-O

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Whereas, as people of faith and religious commitment, we are called to stand with and seek justice for people who are poor; central to our religious traditions, sacred texts, and teachings is a divine mandate to side with and protect the poor; we share a conviction, therefore, that welfare reforms must not focus on eliminating programs but on eliminating poverty and the damage it inflicts on children (who are 2/3 of all welfare recipients), on their parents, and on the rest of society; and

Whereas, we recognize the benefit to the entire community of helping people move from welfare into the job market when possible and appropriate; we fear, however, that reform will fail if it ignores labor market issues such as unemployment and an inadequate minimum wage and important family issues such as the affordability of child care and the economic value of care-giving in the home; successful welfare reform will depend on addressing these concerns as well as a whole range of such related issues as pay equity, affordable housing, and the access to health care; and

Whereas, we believe that people are more important than the sum of their economic activities; successful welfare reform demands more than economic incentives and dis-incentives; it depends on overcoming both biased assumptions about race, gender, and class that feed hostile social stereotypes about people living in poverty and suspicions that people with perspectives other than our own are either indifferent or insincere; successful welfare reform will depend ultimately upon finding not only a common ground of policies but a common spirit about the need to pursue them for all; and

Whereas, the following principles do not exhaust our concerns nor resolve all issues raised. The principles will serve nonetheless as our guide in assessing proposed legislation in the coming national welfare debate; we hope they may also serve as a rallying point for a common effort with others throughout the nation.

Therefore, be it resolved, that the following statement, "Principles of Welfare Reform," be sent to the President of the United States, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the United States Senate Majority Leader:

A Statement of Shared Principles of Welfare Reform

An acceptable welfare program must result in lifting people out of poverty, not merely in reducing welfare roles.

I. The federal government should define minimum benefit levels of programs serving low income people, below which states will not be permitted to fall. These benefits must be adequate to provide a decent standard of living.

II. Welfare reform efforts designed to move people into the work force must create jobs that pay a liveable wage [at least 150% of the poverty level plus full benefits] and do not displace present workers. Programs should eliminate barriers to employment and provide training and education necessary, including post-high school education such as vocation school and college for inexperienced and young workers to get and hold jobs. Such programs must provide child care, transportation, and other ancillary services that will make participation both possible and reasonable. If the government becomes the employer-of-last-resort, the jobs provided must pay a family-sustaining wage.

III. Dis-incentives to work should be removed by allowing welfare recipients to retain a larger portion of wage earnings and assets before losing cash, housing, health, child-care or other benefits.

IV. Work-based programs must not impose arbitrary time limits. If mandated, limits must not be imposed without availability of viable jobs at a family-sustaining wage. Exemptions should be offered for people with serious physical or mental illness, disabling conditions, responsibilities as care-givers for incapacitated family members, and for those primary care-givers who have responsibility for young children.

V. Welfare reform should result in a program that brings together and simplifies the many efforts of federal, state and municipal governments to assist persons and families in need. "One-stop shopping centers" should provide information, counseling, and legal assistance regarding such issues as child support, job training and placement, medical care, affordable housing, food programs, and education.

VI. Welfare reform should acknowledge the responsibility of both government and parents in seeking the well-being of children. No child should be excluded from receiving benefits available to other siblings because of having been born while the mother was on welfare. No child should be completely removed from the safety net because of a parent's failure to fulfill agreements with the government. Efforts are needed to increase the level of child support assistance from non-custodial parents.

VII. Programs designed to replace current welfare programs must be adequately funded. It must be recognized and accepted that more will be invested in the short-term than the present Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program. However, if welfare reform programs are successfully implemented, they will cost less as the number of families in need of assistance diminishes over the long-term. In financing this effort, funding should not be taken from other programs that successfully serve the poor.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20524-CS-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference