Petition Text: 20525-CS-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, the democratic values of our nation are being eroded by a political system no longer responsive to the needs of the American people;

Whereas, this failure is directly attributed to the spiraling cost of political campaigns and the attendant demand for more and more money to finance those campaigns;

Whereas, the citizens of America are in danger of losing their representative form of government because the two major political parties are increasingly under the control of a small, but wealthy, clientele who seek dominance of the political process;

Whereas, the potential for this political dominance may be seen, to an alarming degree, by campaign contributions that in the 1994 Congressional elections exceeded $580,000,000;

Whereas, 1994 campaign contributions to incumbents in the House of Representatives exceeded $239,000,000, while their challengers raised less than $86,000,000;

Whereas, political action committees (PACS) in 1994 contributed more than $147,000,000 to Congressional races;

Whereas, on average, more than $300,000 in PAC money was given to the winners in the 48 closest House races while the average given to their challengers was less than $35,000--a stunning example of influence peddling;

Whereas, dependence upon special interest money and PACs has a direct impact on the substantive positions adopted by the two major political parties;

Whereas, the adoption of public funding for campaigns would help restore the true meaning of our representative form of Government and bring an end to the control of special interests, however defined;

Whereas, the restoration of such a government--one in accord with the vision that stirred the Framers of the Constitution--would significantly assist the citizens of the United States of America in reaffirming their belief in a "Government of the People, by the People, and for the People";

Whereas, the supporters of this resolution understand that no government is perfect, that all governments are flawed and, as members of The United Methodist Church, we have a clear obligation to confront this evil of money and politics and to minimize its stranglehold on the democratic institutions of our nation;

Therefore, the 1996 General Conference affirms support for public funding of all federal elections.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20525-CS-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference