Petition Text: 20527-GM-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, in response to the need to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed in deteriorating urban conditions, the General Conference created the National Shalom Zone Ministries;

Whereas, the 1992 General Conference felt so strongly about the urgent need for Shalom Zone ministries that it interrupted its own orders of the day in order to make a timely response;

Whereas, Shalom Zone Ministries have begun to bear fruit in local communities despite a response of only $267,000 to the 1993 Bishops' $5,000,000 appeal;

Whereas, it fell to the California-Pacific Annual Conference to take up this cause and to provide significant funding for the Long Beach, Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley Shalom Ministries through the "Called to Follow Jesus" campaign;

Whereas, the need for Shalom Zones is greater today than it was in 1992, and the shortfall in the Bishops' Appeal has severely hampered the work of Shalom Zone Ministries;

Therefore, the 1996 General Conference reaffirms its support of the Shalom Zone Ministries;

Further, the 1996 General Conference requests the Council of Bishops to renew the special appeal to provide adequate funding for resourcing Shalom Zone Ministries already begun in the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area and for additional Shalom Zone Ministries throughout the United States and Africa;

Further, the 1996 General Conference expresses its gratitude and appreciation to the clergy and laity who have pioneered the work of Shalom Zone Ministries during the last quadrennium.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20527-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference