Petition Text: 20536-FA-717-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add new text at the end of ¶717:

1. An Annual Conference may at any regular session adopt a plan for the equalizing of salary support of its active itinerants, local pastors, and others serving in full-time ministry. The plan shall be put into effect after it has been ratified by two-thirds of those voting members of the Annual Conference.

2. An Annual Conference Salary Plan may allow for living costs, number of dependents, years of education, years of service, number of churches being served, and other such variants as the Annual Conference may approve.

3. The plan may allow for the payment of cash salaries and other benefits by the Treasurer of the Annual Conference with the total cost of these payments distributed as an apportionment to the pastoral charges by a method to be determined and approved by the Annual Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20536-FA-717-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference