Petition Text: 20537-LC-252-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Insert a new ¶ after ¶ 251:

Removal of Officers and Filling of Vacancies. If a leader or officer who has been elected by the Charge Conference is unable or unwilling to perform the duties reasonably expected of such a leader or officer, the district superintendent may call a special session of the Charge Conference in accordance with ¶ 247.7. The purpose of such special session shall be stated as "Consideration for the removal of person(s) from office and the election of person(s) to fill vacancy(ies)." The Committee on Nominations and Personnel (¶ 270.1, 247.17) shall meet as soon as possible after the special session of the Charge Conference has been announced and shall propose person(s) who may be elected if vacancy(ies) occur at the Charge Conference. If the Charge Conference votes to remove a person or persons from office, the vacancy(ies) shall be filled in the manner prescribed for elections in accordance with ¶ 250-251. When a local church trustee is under consideration for removal and the pastoral charge consists of two or more churches, a Church Local Conference shall be called instead of a Charge Conference, in accordance with ¶ 2526.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20537-LC-252-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference