Petition Text: 20545-CO-726-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 726 and replace with new text:

a) Program Coordinator.----The Annual Conference shall elect, upon nomination by the Annual Conference Nominating Committee, in consultation with the Cabinet, a program coordinator. The coordinator shall be present when the Cabinet considers matters relating to coordination, implementation, and administration of the conference program, and other matters as the Cabinet and coordinator may determine. The coordinator shall not be present during the Cabinet discussions on matters related to the making of appointments and clergy conference relations. A limit to the term of service for the coordinator may be set by the Annual Conference.

b) Responsibilities.----The responsibilities of the program coordinator shall be but are not limited to the following:

(1) To be a communication link between the Annual Conference program agencies and the Jurisdictional (where they exist) and General Conference program agencies.

(2) To facilitate communication among the Annual Conference program agencies and the local churches.

(3) To serve as a resource person for district programs and the Annual Conference program agencies in their planning, implementation, and evaluation process.

(4) To recommend program staffing needs of the Annual Conference in consultation with the Cabinet and the conference Council on Finance and Administration. Insofar as possible, employees of the conference shall include men, women, racial and ethnic persons, lay and clergy, at every level. Ordained ministers on the staff are subject to being appointed by the presiding bishop.

(5) To supervise the Annual Conference program staff.

(6) To serve on other Annual Conference agencies as determined by the Annual Conference.

(7) To serve as a consultant to the conference Committee on Nominations.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20545-CO-726-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference