Petition Text: 20593-FA-905-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶905.1 and 4:

1. Membership.--The members of the council shall be elected quadrennially by the General Conference as follows: three bishops, nominated by the Council of Bishops; six persons from each jurisdiction, nominated by the bishops of that jurisdiction; nine members at large, at least one of whom shall not be over thirty years of age at the time of election, and most of whom shall be elected for special skills; and one youth under the age of eighteen at the time of election. It is recommended that attention be given to ensuring adequate representation of racial and ethnic groups, with at least two of the at- large members to be racial and ethnic persons, with consideration being given to the selection of members of the Central Conferences. It is further recommended that, in the membership from each of the jurisdictions and the at- large members, one- third be clergy in full connection, one- third be laymen, and one- third be laywomen. The at- large members and the youth member shall be nominated by the Council of Bishops without reference to jurisdictions. and twenty-eight persons elected by the Jurisdictional Conferences on a ratio providing for an equitable distribution among the various jurisdictions, based on the combined clergy and laity memberships thereof as determined by the secretary of the General Conference, provided that no jurisdiction shall be represented by fewer than two members. The general secretaries...or, in the event of a vacancy among the youth, episcopal, or at- large members,...

4. c) [Third sentence] ...the director of the Department of Statistics, a staff representative of the General Council on Ministries, a representative...

d) of whom shall serve as chairperson, two representatives from the General Council on Ministries, and one representative....


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20593-FA-905-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference