Petition Text: 20599-FA-912-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 912 and replace with new text:

Support of the General Program Agencies of the Church.--Support of the general program agencies, commissions, and funds is basic in the financial program of The United Methodist Church. The Annual Conferences and local churches/charges have the right to revise the apportionments for such agencies, commissions, and funds. Closely related to that right is the responsibility to support the general program agencies, commissions, and funds as one of the benevolent responsibilities of the church.

1. The General Council on Finance and Administration shall recommend to each quadrennial session of the General Conference the amount of the quadrennial and annual apportioned budgets of each of the general program agencies, commissions, and funds and the method by which they shall be apportioned to the Annual Conferences. It shall be the responsibility of the council to facilitate sound fiscal and administrative policies and practices within and among the general agencies of the Church.

2. No general program agency, commission, or fund shall spend over 10% (ten percent) of its budget to solicit apportioned funds or special gifts from individual donors or special groups, unless approval is first secured from the General Council on Finance and Administration.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20599-FA-912-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference