Petition Text: 20674-LC-270.1-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶270:

1. [Fourth sentence] The committee shall nominate to the Charge Conference or Church Conference in its annual session such officers and members of the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board and Charge Conference...

[Second paragraph] The Committee on Nominations and Personnel shall serve throughout the year to guide the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board on personnel matters...working in relationship to the committees and work areas of the Administrative Church Council or the Administrative Board and Council on Ministries in both its nominations...

2.a) [Third sentence] Where there is more than one church on a charge, the committee shall include at least one representative from each congregation with a representative of each church to be a member of that church's Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board.

f)(4) ...and to make annual recommendations regarding such matters to the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board, reporting budget items...

(5) ...and to arrange with the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board for the necessary time...

(9) To recommend to the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board, after consultation with the pastor and the Council on Ministries (where such exists), the professional and other staff positions needed to carry out the work of the church or charge. The committee and the pastor shall recommend to the Administrative Board or Church Council a written statement of policy...The committee shall further recommend to the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board a provision...

4. ...the chairperson of the Administrative Church Council, or the chairpersons of the Administrative Board and Council on Ministries; a representative of the trustees to be selected by the trustees; the chairperson of the work area on stewardship; the lay leader;...It is recommended that tThe chairperson of the Committee on Finance shall be a member of the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board.

[Third paragraph] All financial askings...The Committee on Finance shall compile annually a complete budget for the local church and submit it to the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board for review and meet the budget adopted by the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board. It shall administer the funds received according to instructions from the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board.

The committee shall carry out the Administrative Church Council's or Administrative Board's directions in guiding the treasurer(s) and financial secretary.

b) The church treasurer(s) shall disburse all money contributed to causes represented in the local church budget, and such other funds and contributions as the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board may determine. The treasurer(s) shall remit each month to the conference treasurer all World Service and Conference Benevolence general church and Annual Conference apportioned funds then on hand. ...The church treasurer shall make regular and detailed reports on funds received and expended to the Committee on Finance and the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board.

d) The committee shall recommend to the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board proper depositories...

f) After the budget of the local church has been approved, additional appropriations or changes in the budget must be approved by the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board.

g) The committee shall prepare annually a report to the Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board of all designated funds...

5. The Administrative Church Council or Administrative Board may appoint such other committees as it deems advisable, including: Committee on Records and History, Committee on Health and Welfare, and Committee on Memorial Gifts.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20674-LC-270.1-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference