Petition Text: 20693-MN-533-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶533:

5. The consultation process used in making the new appointment shall include the following:

a) [Delete.]

b) [Delete.]

a) The district superintendent shall provide to the receiving Committee on Pastor-Parish Relations the name(s) of potential pastor(s) as selected by the bishop and Cabinet. The committee may submit additional name(s) to the district superintendent and bishop.

b) Pastors contemplating a move may, through their district superintendent, request that their names be included on the lists of names being submitted to a particular church or churches.

c) The committee shall meet with any potential pastor(s) named by the bishop and may meet with any of its own suggested candidates, provided the bishop gives approval.

d) After the meetings, the committee and the potential pastor(s) shall express their preferences to the district superintendent and bishop. Following the gathering of this information, the bishop and Cabinet shall make the projected appointment. The bishop shall not be obligated to follow the wishes of the committee or of the potential pastors (¶531).

e) When the bishop names the projected appointee for the church/charge, the appointee, Committee on Pastor-Parish Relations, and district superintendent shall consult together on issues of ministerial and congregational expectations. The district superintendent shall maintain a permanent record of these expectations.

6. [Delete.]

7. [Delete.]

9. A similar process of cConsultation shall be available to persons in appointments beyond the local church.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20693-MN-533-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference