Petition Text: 20699-CS-R538-U

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend "U.S. Gun Violence," The Book of Resolutions, pp. 538, 539:

Once again, tThe church dare not to be be a matter of spiritual concren concern and public responsibility.

Therefore, as United Methodists, we recommend the following:

1. That the United Methodists work toward discouraging discourage the graphic depiction...and we urge that this be done at all levels.

2. [Delete.]

3. That all governing bodies, Annual Conferences, congregations, and their members join in dialogue with gun clubs and similar associations in the effort to establish...

4. [Delete.]

5. That Annual Conferences, all congregations, and their members become involved...

6. [Delete.]

Furthermore, we call upon the United States government to:

1. Establish meaningful and effective federal legislation to regulate the importation, manufacture,...waiting periods prior to gun purchases, and regulation...

2. Address more urgently the societal situations, including the clmate climate of fear,...

4. Outlaw the sales and manufacture of all automatic-weapon conversion kits since their only purpose is to produce illegal firearms


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20699-CS-R538-U
1996 United Methodist General Conference