Petition Text: 20712-DI-NonDis-O$

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a General Commission on United Methodist Men to the Discipline:

Name.----There shall be a General Commission on United Methodist Men in The United Methodist Church.

The general commission shall be amenable to the General Conference of The United Methodist Church. Between sessions of the General Conference, the commission shall be accountable to the General Council on Ministries by reporting and interpreting activities in its purpose.

Purpose.----The General Commission on United Methodist Men shall have primary oversight for the coordination and resourcing of men's work within The United Methodist Church.

1. To provide resources and support services to foster the development of units of United Methodist Men.

a) Provide specific and optional models for these units in the local church, district, annual conference, and jurisdiction.

b) Receive recommendations from the National Association of Conference Presidents of United Methodist Men and other national organizations representing the Central Conferences and other worldwide Methodist liaisons.

c) Promote the chartering and annual recertification of local church men's units with the General Commission on United Methodist Men.

2. To seek methods for involving men in a growing relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ and his Church.

a) Provide resources and support for programs of evangelism which are geared to men's needs in cooperation with the area of evangelism. To assist men to discover that witness is an integral part of daily life in the work place, the community, the parish, and the home.

b) Provide resources and support for programs of mission in cooperation with all areas of the church dealing with missional opportunities enabling men for outreach and service as an integral part of their Christian servanthood.

c) Provide resources and support for programs of spiritual life in cooperation with areas of faith development to assist men to realize that witness and outreach, mission and ministry, are extensions of their faith development and their relationship to God through Jesus Christ.

d) Provide resources and support for programs of stewardship in cooperation with the area of stewardship which will lead men to an understanding of their responsibility for stewardship, including time, talent, money, and prayer.

e) Seek resources and support for men as husbands and fathers in a rapidly changing society.

f) Continue in a constant search for new and better ways for The United Methodist Church to minister to and through men.

g) Provide resources and support for the office of scouting ministries and the national association of United Methodist Scouters for training of local church district, annual conference, jurisdictional scouting coordinators.

h) Be an active partner with The Upper Room in the Living Prayer Center ministry, with support for WATTS telephone service and promotion. At every level there shall be Prayer Coordinators in United Methodist Men.

i) United Methodist Men shall be partners with local churches with moving members. The program shall be called Moving United Methodist.


1. Two bishops elected by Council on Bishops. Four members elected by each jurisdiction from the National Association of Conference Presidents, one of whom will be the Jurisdictional President, two members elected by jurisdiction conference which shall include one woman and one clergy, one of whom shall be ethnic. The National Association of Conference Presidents will assure that each ethnic group is represented on the commission (Asian American, African American, Hispanic American, and Native American) as well as two young adults (under 35) from their organizations. Ex officio members--(not eligible to hold offices in GCOUMM) President of National Association of Conference Presidents United Methodist Men, President of National Association of United Methodist Scouters, and President of United Methodist Men Foundation.

2. Vacancies.----Vacancies in the general commission membership shall be filled by procedures defined in ¶812 of the General Provisions.

3. Officers.----The General Commission on United Methodist Men shall elect as its officers a president, vice president, secretary, and other such officers as it shall deem necessary.

4. Staff.----The General Commission on United Methodist Men shall nominate for election by the General Council on Ministries its general secretary, who shall provide executive, administrative, and programmatic leadership (¶813). The commission shall elect such other staff members as needs require within the General Conference mandates and the authority vested in the commission to develop policies and programs directed toward the realization of its purpose.

5. Meetings.----The general commission shall meet annually with such additional meetings as needs demand.

6. Funding.----The General Council on Finance and Administration shall make provision for the necessary support of the work of the commission including provisions for a general secretary, associated staff, and an office for the commission for the first quadrennium of its existence only. In the event that the organization is not self-supporting after the first quadrennium, disposition will be at the direction of the General Conference


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20712-DI-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference