Petition Text: 20725-LC-NonDis-O

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In the Old Testament, the importance of prayer is shown and told many times. In the New Testament, prayer is taught and commanded of all who believe. The substance of prayer has been given witness by the saints and servants of the Church throughout its history. It is through prayer that every Christian today may actively engage the grace and presence of God, experience a perpetual renewal of their faith, and maintain the abundant flow of guidance and strength essential to the dynamic integration of their beliefs into Christian living.

Corporate prayer also assumes many roles. Preeminent among these is the responsive grace experienced in the bonding of the members into the Church body. From this is often gained inner knowledge of belonging and the cherished feelings that go with Christian love. Further, evangelical grace is manifest in prayers for the community and the unchurched.

The substance of the above is self-evident and of common knowledge. Yet, it is found that many United Methodist churches do not have areas of focus, ongoing programs or organized activities that encourage or support prayer.

The needs for prayer are infinite. The ways to prayer in the local church may greatly benefit from the following:

Whereas, the sustained focus and emphasis on programs and activities of prayer in the local church significantly increases the interest in prayer and personal Christian growth;

Whereas, the initiation of programs of prayer in a church will in turn activate a pool of dormant prayer talent that blossoms forth with purpose and energy;

Whereas, basic instruction in the nature and methods of prayer helps many individuals who say they do not know how to pray to find new meaning and commitment to prayer and an enriched spiritual life;

Whereas, formal support of prayer activities creates a variety of new opportunities for greater member involvement in the ministries of the church;

Whereas, the formal recognition of prayer as a dynamic, sustaining force in a church is universally viable and applicable regardless of size. In the smallest congregations there will be one or more members that will accept the leadership in this Christian ministry. Large churches have the membership and organizational base to sponsor a wide variety of activities. This can include church-wide special event programs emphasizing prayer in the Christian life, the organization of special prayer projects or vigils to meet the particular or urgent needs of the church, sponsoring area Concerts of Prayer, and in-place formation and training of home prayer teams using members who have restricted or limited travel ability. Other possible activities include the conducting of prayer workshops, seminars, and retreats. Also, the operation of dedicated church facilities for use as a Prayer Ministries Center;

Whereas, established prayer programs and formed prayer groups provide a ready resource and certain response for special Calls to Prayer and other ongoing needs of The United Methodist Church;

Whereas, the organization of specialized prayer groups and church prayer chains requires continuing attention to administrative and leadership duties. Typically, this includes the supervision of prayer requests, the enlistment of members, continuing appreciation and motivation, personal renewal, and the ongoing definition of the local church's changing prayer needs and objectives;

Whereas, the formal recognition and commitment of The United Methodist Church to continuing programs of prayer in the local church will cause an increased requirement for study materials, as well as a demand for the development and publication of new materials in the form of guide books and advance study aids;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the 1996 General Conference of The United Methodist Church amend The Book of Discipline to establish in the local church a Work Area for Prayer together with an associated chairperson of Prayer Ministries.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20725-LC-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference