Petition Text: 20726-IC-NonDis-O

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Whereas, racism is the Church's unfinished agenda;

Whereas, for twenty-five years the General Commission on Religion and Race has been an effective tool in the struggle to overcome the racism endemic within our fellowship;

But whereas, current politically popular social thinking dismisses the evils of racism as a thing of the past despite: the increase of racially motivated hate crimes; the increase of racial/ethnic children living in poverty; the consistently higher percentage of racial/ethnic teenagers who cannot find work and racial/ethnic adults who have been out of work so long they have given up; the collapse of our urban public school systems because of antiquated and racially biased funding methods;

Whereas, if the Church is not to be a cruel reflection of the worst in society, it must be continually vigilant both of the world and of itself;

And whereas, the monitoring tasks of the General Commission on Religion and Race have proven to be effective tools in the continuing work to end the evil of racism;

Now therefore, be it resolved, that the 1996 General Conference of The United Methodist Church:

1) renew our Church's stand against racism in any form and in every place;

2) reaffirm our commitment to work against racism by strengthening the General Commission on Religion and Race;

3. make this the quadrennium in which every Annual Conference and every local congregation is asked to develop specific programs to combat racism within their institution and to witness against the racism in the society about them.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20726-IC-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference