Petition Text: 20751-GJ-800-D$

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new ¶ to Chapter Six, Section I:

Committee on Audit and Review.----It shall be the policy of The United Methodist Church that all general agencies shall have a Committee on Audit and Review. Each Committee on Audit and Review shall report and be amenable directly to the governing body of the general agency. Members of the Committee on Audit and Review shall not be officers or members of the general agency executive committee, and at least half shall not be members of the general agency but shall be United Methodists and shall possess appropriate technical experience. The committee's function shall be the financial oversight of the general agency in cooperation with the General Council on Finance and Administration Committee on Audit and Review. The General Council on Finance and Administration shall advise and consent in the appointment of the outside members to the general agency Committee on Audit and Review.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20751-GJ-800-D$
1996 United Methodist General Conference