Petition Text: 20795-GJ-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, Applachia Service Project, Inc., has been affiliated with The United Methodist Church since its inception in 1969 and continues to grow and serve as an arm of United Methodism mission;

Whereas, Applachia Service Project, Inc., through its ministry of home repair and home building is a vital mission outreach of the church in Central Appalachia;

Whereas, Applachia Service Project, Inc., plans to operate out of fifteen centers in the summer of 1995, enabling some 7,000 volunteers to work on 260 to 300 homes;

Whereas, additional funding would allow Applachia Service Project, Inc., to expand its ministry of home repair and building;

Whereas, the present route for churches to give to Applachia Service Project, Inc., and receive mission credit goes through conference treasurers and the General Board of Discipleship and proves circuitous and time-consuming;

Whereas, local churches seeking to give to Applachia Service Project, Inc., are sometimes discouraged by its lack of Advance Special status;

Whereas, Advance Special status would bring increased recognition and promote giving to Applachia Service Project, Inc.; and

Whereas, two annual conferences have already granted Advance Special status within their own conferences for Applachia Service Project, Inc.;

We strongly urge the General Conference to recognize and support the vital mission and ministry of Appalachia Service Project, Inc., by granting it Advance Special status.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20795-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference