Petition Text: 20822-MN-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


In witness to the essential oneness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and in response to the Spirit's call for separated Christian churches to show mutual respect and recognition of each other's traditions, special instances of personal ecumenism may be permitted and affirmed as symbolic witness by United Methodists of the hoped-for reuniting of the body of Christ.

Building upon present disciplinary affirmations (e.g., granting full clerical status in two communions to clergy when appointed to ecumenical ministries such as federated or union congregations; permitting the merging of two congregations in which membership of members in both denominations is affirmed; granting dual lay standing in two denominations through associate or affiliate membership; permitting the appointment of clergy across denominational lines), we propose that clergy persons be approved for special ecumenically symbolic status or ministry by presenting their case in writing to their annual conference Board of Ordained Ministry. If approved, this request would be forwarded to the cabinet and bishop for final authorization and reported to the annual conference. A personal interview may be requested at any level of this process. Responsibility for acquiring approval in writing from the non-United Methodist Church, agency, or order shall be the responsibility of the person applying.

In all such requests for dual participation and/or membership, the person must show that this special ecumenical ministry is:

A. Theologically consistent;

B. Loyal to the integrity of each body; and

C. A significant ministry to and for each church.

Such ecumenical standing shall be reviewed annually by the respective board(s) or authorizing person(s) of each body involved.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20822-MN-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference