Petition Text: 20894-GM-R204-U

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend "The Church's Response to Changing Rural Issues," p. 204, 205:

Be it resolved, that each board and agency of The United Methodist Church, and district and conference programming agencies, through its boards and agencies at all levels of organization, encourage and assist urban,...

* The pPoor self-esteem and mental health of many rural residents and communities.

* The abandonment of the elderly...

* Poor basic government services such as good Inadequate physical and psychological health care, rural public transportation, children's services, and legal assistance.

* Rural cCrime and an absence of good police protection.

* The effects of regional consolidations...

* Lack of consumer goods and feelings that consumers are at the mercy of businesses and industries.

* Poor sStewardship of the environment, including the pollution care of the soil, air, and water.

* Ownership and control of land...

* Spiritual irrelevance.

* The changing role of the church within the rural community


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20894-GM-R204-U
1996 United Methodist General Conference