Petition Text: 20952-DI-745.1-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add new ¶ 745:

1. In each Annual Conference there shall be a Conference Council of Young Adult Ministry composed of both young adults and adults. Its purpose shall be to strengthen the young adult ministry in the local churches and districts of the Annual Conference. For administrative purposes, the council shall be related to the Annual Conference Council on Ministries.

2. Membership.----Shall be comprised of two Young Adult Representatives from each district. All young adults are welcomed regardless of ethnicity, gender, creed, and/or disabilities. Those serving on the Conference Council on Young Adult Ministry shall be members of The United Methodist Church.

3. Responsibilities----a) To initiate and support programming, activities, and projects that are of interest to young adults.

b) To support and facilitate the formation of young adult caucuses.

c) To cooperate with boards and agencies of the Annual Conference in the receiving and making of recommendations.

d) To recommend to the Annual Conference Committee on Nominations qualified young adults for membership on boards and agencies.

e) To participate with the appropriate conference agencies in the nomination of the conference coordinator of young adult ministry, who shall serve as the advisor of the Conference Council on Young Adult Ministry.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 20952-DI-745.1-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference