Petition Text: 21036-CO-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, anyone appointed as pastor to a local church bears all the responsibilities of an ordained elder in that local church;

Whereas, 50% of the charges in the Hudson West District and 41.5% of the charges in the Hudson North District are served by pastors who are disenfranchised in Jurisdictional and General Conference elections;

Whereas, 33.3% of the churches in the five boroughs of New York City with fewer than 200 members are served by pastors who are disenfranchised in Jurisdictional and General Conference elections;

Whereas, justice demands an equal voice for small membership churches;

Whereas, ¶¶ 38, 413.3 and 419.3 of The Book of Discipline restrict the franchise to members in full connection and laity;

Whereas, it is demoralizing to be unable to participate in these critical matters of representation;

Whereas, General Conference enacts legislation concerning all categories of ministry, general and ordained, and laity members in full connection are represented while local pastors, associate members, and probationers who are appointed to churches are not;

Be it resolved, that General Conference enable United Methodist pastors who are under appointment, including probationers, associate members and licensed local pastors who have completed one year of service in a local church and have completed one year in the course of study program or its equivalent, to vote for clergy delegates to Jurisdictional and General Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21036-CO-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference