Petition Text: 21037-FA-NonDis-O$

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Whereas, the General Conference has required the creation of a Commission on Equitable Compensation in each of the several annual conferences; and

Whereas, this mandate is spelled out in the Discipline of The United Methodist Church (¶722); and

Whereas, an examination of the journals of the several conferences discloses wide discrepancies in pastor compensation; and

Whereas, these discrepancies have resulted in serious conversations among clergy persons concerning qualifications, personal worth, dignity, and respect; and

Whereas, all of these have begun to adversely affect clergy morale;

Be it therefore resolved, that the General Conference of 1996 give due consideration to the concept of salary equalization for pastors under full-time appointment.

Be it therefore resolved, that a task force of the 1996 General Conference be formed to study this matter and due consideration be given to the system of salary equalization already in place as per bishops and district superintendents and missionaries; and

Be it further resolved, that a report of said task force be presented to the General Conference at its meeting in the year 2000.

Be it further resolved, that this task force be composed of seven (7) persons: one from the Council of Bishops, one from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, two (2) from GCFA, and three (3) at-large;

Be it finally resolved, that funding for this study be provided by GCFA.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21037-FA-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference