Petition Text: 21039-CS-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


The mission to bring all persons into a community of love is central to the teachings of Christ. We gather as congregations in witness to that mission, welcoming and nurturing those who assemble with us.

Yet, we confess that in our humanity we have sometimes failed to minister in love to persons and families with mental illness. We have allowed barriers of ignorance, fear, and pride to separate us from those who most need our love and the nurturing support of community.

To support United Methodist congregations in their goal to reach out to persons and families with mental illness, the General Board of Church and Society established the United Methodist Mental Illness Network. It is a network of "Caring Communities," congregations and communities in covenant relationship with persons and families with mental illness.

United Methodist congregations, annual conferences, jurisdictions, and boards are called to join the United Methodist Mental Illness Network:

*to educate their members about mental illness;

*to enter into a covenant relationship of understanding and love with persons and families with mental illness, in order to nurture them; and to reach out to the larger community.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21039-CS-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference