Petition Text: 21051-CS-R643-U

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Amend "Terrorism," p. 643:

WHEREAS, tThe increase in terrorism from the 1970's to 1990 through the present has caused a fear and desperation among international people everywhere that creates a sense of hopelessness and instability and reveals the weakness in the present world system of international peace, and security; and at home.

The image of God and the sacrifice of Christ bestow a worth and dignity that cannot be rightfully ignored or violated by any human institution or social movement. For this reason we condemn all acts of terrorism with no exception for the target or the source.

WHEREAS, There is no significant difference between "state terrorism," as the "overkill" response of a state, and group terrorism, whether in the international arena or on the home front. inasmuch as the innocent suffer;

THEREFORE, With these truths in mind it is important that we, as United Methodist Christians, we:

1. Will examine Examine critically the causes of terrorism including and nations' national and international involvement with it.

2. Firmly support the United Nations as an agency for conflict resolution and as a viable alternative to the resort resorting to war and/or terrorism.

3. Stand against terrorist acts in the forms of retaliation or capital punishment.

34. Urge the President of the United States to repudiate violence and to adhere to the statement that retaliation could be a terrorist act in itself and the killing and victimizing of innocent people.

4 5. Oppose the use of indiscriminate military force to combat terrorism except as a final resort, especially... 5 6. Condemn the use of extremist tactics...

6 7. Direct the General Board...

8. Continue to support the U.S. ban on assault rifles, as they are the weapons of choice by individuals and organizations implementing terrorist activities both at home and abroad.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21051-CS-R643-U
1996 United Methodist General Conference