Petition Text: 21113-FA-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers



In response to a request from the Commission on the Black Colleges and the Council of Presidents of the Black Colleges, the 1972 General Conference established the Black College Fund as one of the apportioned general church funds. The objective of the fund is to marshal financial support for institutions of higher education which are related to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church and which have historically served primarily the educational needs of black students.

The goal of the fund was originally set at $6,000,000 per year, this amount to be raised by an apportionment to the annual conferences using the same apportionment formula as was used for the World Service Fund. The goal remained unchanged during 1973- 1980. By action of the last four General Conferences, the amounts apportioned during the years 1981- 1996 have increased.

Response by local churches and annual conferences has been commendable. A summary of receipts shows that more than $132 million has been raised since the fund was established to assist the programs and ministries of these schools:Year(s) Apportionment Receipts Percent of Goal

1973- 76 $24,017,186 $17,566,033 73.1%

1977- 80 24,000,000 19,021,701 79.3%

1981- 84 27,462,705 22,356,074 81.4%

1985-88 33,093,288 26,709,008 80.7%

1989-92 38,500,000 30,523,479 79.3%

1993 10,080,000 7,848,717 77.9%

1994 10,270,000 7,988,290 77.8%


With this background in mind, the General Council on Finance and Administration recommends the following:

1. That the 1996 General Conference authorize the continuation of the Black College Fund as one of the apportioned funds of the church.

2. That the 1997-2000 quadrennial goal for this fund amount to $43,309,000 derived from a yearly apportionment as follows:

Annual Percent

Year Apportionment Increase

1997 $10,780,000 0.0%

1998 10,780,000 0.0%

1999 10,834,000 0.5%

2000 10,915,000 0.7%

Total $43,309,000

These respective amounts are to be apportioned to the annual conferences by means of the same formula used for the World Service Fund.

3. That annual conference treasurers remit monthly to the treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administration the amounts received for this fund.

4. That expenses for administration and promotion of the Black College Fund be a prior claim against the fund and within a budget approved by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the General Council on Finance and Administration.

5. That the treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administration remit monthly receipts for this fund to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for distribution to the colleges on the formula recommended by the Council of Presidents of the Black Colleges and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and approved by the General Conference (¶ 919.1). The formula for distribution is as follows:

a) Five- sixths of the receipts of the fund shall be distributed to the colleges to assist in supporting their current operating budgets:

(1) 75 percent of the five- sixths operating portion shall be shared equally by each college.

(2) 20 percent of the five- sixths operating portion shall be distributed on the basis of enrollment.

(3) The remaining 5 percent of the five- sixths current operating portion shall be distributed equally to each college annually for long- range planning, special academic programs, and meeting challenge grants in complying with the guidelines for support established by the General Conference.

b) One- sixth of the fund receipts shall be set aside for capital improvements, to be distributed by the Division of Higher Education on the basis of need and matching funds.

c) Between sessions of the General Conference, the formula for distribution may be changed upon recommendation of the Council of Presidents and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and with the consent of the General Council on Finance and Administration (¶ 919.2).

6. That an annual conference may make additional direct and/or designated gifts for current expense or capital funds purposes to one or more of these colleges, but only after it has met its full Black College Fund apportionment. There may be reasonable exceptions to this restriction, but such exceptions shall be negotiated with the Division of Higher Education prior to implementation.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21113-FA-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference