Petition Text: 21114-FA-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers



The 1988 General Conference approved a report of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry providing for the establishment of a United Methodist university on the continent of Africa. A site near Old Mutare, Zimbabwe, had been identified as the first choice for location of the proposed university, and preliminary work had been done to establish the feasibility of the project and to facilitate the planning and implementation steps which would follow General Conference action. The General Conference approved the creation of an apportioned general fund in the amount of $2.5 million per year. It also recommended that the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry seek approval under ¶913 for a World Service Special gifts fund with a goal of $10 million for the 1989-92 quadrennium; World Service Special gifts fund receipts were to be held and invested by the board as permanent endowment funds for the proposed university.

The 1988 General Conference action also included provisions related to such matters as approval of a financial plan for the University, review of the governing documents of incorporated or unincorporated structures which might be needed in the University's formation, and procedures for administering and accounting for general funds raised in support of the University.

By the time the 1992 General Conference convened, the Africa University was a reality. A charter had been granted by the government of Zimbabwe. A financial plan providing for the initial stages of construction and the opening and operation of the first two colleges had been approved. On March 23, 1992, the College of Theology and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources opened to 40 students from Burundi, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Zaire, and Zimbabwe.

The 1992 General Conference heard and affirmed reports on these developments and approved continuation of both the apportioned Africa University Fund and efforts to raise permanent endowment funds by means of World Service Special gifts. Funds raised by means of these two vehicles through 1994 are as follows:

World Service

Year Apportionment Receipts Special Gift Receipts

1988 -- -- $112,768

1989 $2,500,000 $2,124,931 508,101

1990 2,500,000 2,197,876 777,038

1991 2,500,000 2,107,615 887,387

1992 2,500,000 2,097,558 1,324,038

1993 2,500,000 2,090,119 885,420

1994 2,500,000 2,098,972 932,669

The Official Opening of the University was celebrated on April 23, 1994. United Methodists from across Africa and around the world gathered on the University campus for the event, and many others shared in its joy and excitement by means of a videotape of the official opening and inauguration ceremonies.

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the Africa University Board of Directors continue to plan aggressively for the future development of the University. Efforts to increase the level of permanent endowment funds and to secure funding support from a variety of sources are also being aggressively pursued. The permanent endowment funds are fully invested and managed by the Investment Committee of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. As of September, 1995, the market value of the Funds was $7 million.

A College of Management and Administration is scheduled to be opened in January, 1996, and a College of Education in August, 1996. A plan is being developed for opening of a College of Humanities by 2000. As directed by the 1992 General Conference, the General Council on Finance and Administration continues to review financial plans for the University as changing circumstances require and as plans for additional colleges are developed.


The General Council on Finance and Administration rejoices with all of those who have worked at the task of bringing plans for the establishment of the Africa University to the point of fulfillment. It recognizes that United Methodist individuals, local churches, annual conferences, and agencies have provided significant support for the University during the course of the past two quadrennia and believes that the University will continue to enjoy enthusiastic support. The Council therefore recommends:

1. That the Africa University Fund continue as an apportioned general fund in the amount of $2,500,000 per year during the 1997-2000 quadrennium.

2. That the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry continue to seek World

Service Special Gifts under the provisions of ¶913 of the 1992 Book of Discipline, with a goal of $10,000,000 for the 1997-2000 quadrennium, to be used for permanent endowment funds for the University. The Council is aware that some annual conferences have chosen to apportion amounts beyond the general fund apportionment or to engage in other efforts in order to raise endowment funds for the University. Those and similar efforts are applauded, and annual conferences are encouraged to consider this or other innovative means of supporting this part of the University's funding, which is so critical to its long-term success and stability.

3. That apportionments to the annual conferences be determined by the same formula used in apportioning the World Service Fund, and that each annual conference then apportion the fund to its local churches by a formula of its choosing (¶712).

4. That local churches remit amounts contributed for the fund to the annual conference treasurer, who shall remit the amounts received monthly to the treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administration.

5. That the General Council on Finance and Administration remit the net receipts of the fund, after payment of prior claims for promotion and administration, to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

6. That the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry administer the funds in accordance with their current financial plan for the University, as approved by the General Council on Finance and Administration. It is understood that the financial plan for the existing colleges may be amended from time to time, as changing circumstances may require, by the Africa University Board of Directors in consultation with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Financial plans for additional colleges are subject to approval by the General Council on Finance and Administration.

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall be authorized to disburse funds for the development and operation of the Africa University and to release such funds to the Africa University Board of Directors or such other structural units as may be created for that purpose, provided that the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall be accountable for such funds to the General Council on Finance and Administration, and provided further that no such funds shall be released to any structural unit whose charter, bylaws, or other governing documents have not been approved by the General Council on Finance and Administration as required by action of previous General Conferences.

7. That permanent endowment funds for the university be held and invested by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Permanent endowment funds include the World Service Special Gift receipts and any other funds which may be raised by the Board

and designated, either by the donor or the Board, for this purpose. The Board is authorized to disburse income earned from the permanent endowment funds under the same terms and conditions as set forth in §6 above. The Board shall be accountable to the General Council on Finance and Administration for all permanent endowment funds raised on behalf of the Africa University.

The provisions of this report shall not limit the authority of the Africa University Board of Directors to raise and administer permanent endowment funds and/or funds for the development and operation of the University from sources other than those from which contributions to either the Africa University apportioned fund or the World Service Special Gifts fund would normally be sought.

8. Adjustments in the provisions of this report, except for the amount of the apportioned fund, may be made by the General Council on Finance and Administration on recommendation of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, after consultation with the Council of Bishops and the General Council on Ministries.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21114-FA-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference